We Have Bridged
The Gap Between Web2 & Web3

Seamless Integration Has Finally Arrived.

Now It's Up to The Regulators.

Provide Browsing With No Limitations.

1Web DNS & Mirroring

We Have seamlessly blended blockchain technology with traditional DNS-based domains. Led by a team of seasoned experts with a deep understanding of both blockchain and domain industries, our vision is to pioneer next-generation DNS, bringing web solutions that combine the strengths of Web3 with the reliability of Web2.

Knowledge Base

1Web: The Opportunity to Bridge Web2 & Web3
1Web: The opportunity to bridge Web2 with Web3 There's a vital lesson to be gleaned from the success of Web 2.0 — accessibility and user experience. The ease of navigation and interaction with digit...
How 1Web APIs work with Registries & Registrars
How 1Web APIs work with Registries and Registrars In the vast internet landscape, envision Web2 and Web3 as distinct neighborhoods in a bustling digital city. Web2 embodies the familiar houses with ...
1Web's Vital Role in The Web3 Domain Ecosystem
The internet is undergoing a transformation reminiscent of the 90s. Just as domain names, servers, and search engines became accessible to everyone at a low cost back then, Web3 technologies like bloc...
DNS Mirroring: Shaping Registries Domain Landscape
As the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once professed, "The Only Constant in Life is Change." This timeless insight holds profound relevance within the dynamic realm of technology. Today, as we s...

1Site Platform Builder

1Site Platform Builder allows users to quickly and easily build their own platform and connect a web3 domain across all chains! 1Site is integrated with 1Web, also allowing users to browse freely on web2 DNS!

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